What is Root Canal Therapy?

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You know that there are several things you should do to keep your teeth healthy and strong, but did you know root canal therapy may be something you should consider? You see, if you don’t get root canal therapy for a tooth with an infected root, with extensive decay, or a tooth that experienced trauma, the afflicted tooth could die. If that happens, your only option may be extracting the tooth and having it replaced. Fortunately, root canal therapy has come a long way in recent years.

For example, did you know that instruments have actually improved? In fact, these tools are more flexible, precise, and thinner than they have been in the past. In other words, our team will be able to perform your treatment more quickly and efficiently. X-Rays have also improved, which lets our dentist see if your tooth has been completely clearer. This will also make your treatment more comfortable.

Still, even though root canal therapy is an important treatment, preventing the need for the treatment is preferable. Usually, you can do so by brushing and flossing your teeth at home—though we also recommend scheduling regular appointments with our team. Generally, we recommend scheduling an appointment with us once every six months.

If you’d like to learn more about the care you can receive from our team, or are interested in learning more about root canal therapy in Stamford, Connecticut, please feel free to give Advanced Endodontics & Microsurgery of Stamford, PC a call at 203-324-9239. Our dentist, Dr. Allen Rosenthal, and our team look forward to receiving your call soon.