A fracture in your tooth can occur because of a variety of reasons, whether it’s from getting hit in sports, chewing on foreign objects of the mouth, or simply from decay. This leaves you open to infections not to mention possible pain. Seek professional treatment here at Advanced Endodontics & Microsurgery of Stamford, PC as soon as you experience any type of tooth trauma.
Another possible reason for you tooth fracture is grinding of the teeth whether it’s at night or during the day. To prevent night grinding, speak to your dentist about obtaining a night mouth guard. During the day, focus away from grinding. One way is to chew gum. Again, speak to your dentist about which option is best for you.
Depending on the extent of the fracture’s break, you may need just a simple dental filling. If the fracture is larger than what a filling can hold, your dentist may recommend placing a dental crown to protect your tooth from infection and a larger fracture. Bacteria residue left from foods or plaque can build up if not properly taken care of. Be sure to brush twice a day and floss daily.
If the damage has reached beyond the enamel and affected root or pulp of the tooth, a root canal may be needed to fix the tooth. This restructures the core of the tooth so a dental crown can be placed. If left alone, persistent pain and sensitivity will occur.
Give our office a call at 203-324-9239 in Stamford, Connecticut, for your next dental appointment today! Dr. Allen Rosenthal and our dental professionals want to help you and fix your fracture with our advanced tools to get your best smile.