Preventing Injured Teeth

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Sustaining damage to your tooth can be a scary thing. There may be blood, bits of broken tooth, or you may find yourself suddenly without one or more of your teeth. It can be a moment of panic. How bad is the damage? How long will I have to look like this? Can this injury even be fixed? Fortunately, our endodontist, Dr. Allen Rosenthal and the staff at Advanced Endodontics & Microsurgery of Stamford, PC are skilled at repairing damaged teeth. However, it is better if you take steps to keep your teeth in good shape and avoid things that lead to, or even cause damage to your teeth. Accidents can’t always be avoided, but you can minimize the potential for injury to your teeth.

If you play any kind of sports or engage in any recreational activity that could involve and impact to your mouth, you should wear a mouthguard. Mouthguards can be purchased in sporting goods stores and many retail outlets, but the best mouthguard is one custom-made for you in a dentist’s office. Wearing the proper protective equipment on the job may also keep your teeth from being damaged.

Piercings have become popular over the recent years. However, piercing your tongue, lips or cheek increases your chances of getting infections and disease. Tongue studs can chip your teeth or cause gaps in your teeth as the stud repeatedly contacts them. Tobacco use can lead to cancer and gum disease, and can cause your body to heal at a slower rate than normal.

Your teeth can be damaged if you use them to open packages, or if you bite your nails or chew on pens, pencils or other objects. Bruxism, or grinding or clenching your teeth can cause them to break, crack or chip, and can wear down the enamel.

Keeping your teeth strong and healthy can go a long way to keeping them safe. You should brush your teeth at least twice a day for two minutes using a fluoridated toothpaste, and floss before going to bed. Seeing your dentist for your regular cleanings and exams will help keep your teeth in good shape.

If you have damaged teeth, we can help. If you live in the Stamford, Connecticut, area, contact our office at 203-324-9239 to make an appointment.