The Root Canal Therapy Process

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The dental pulp, which is the nerve, blood vessels, and connective tissues, is located in the root canal of the tooth. If you are experiencing any of the following, you may have a damaged root canal in Stamford, Connecticut:

– Severe discomfort when chewing or applying pressure on the tooth
– Sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures that persists after the heat or cold has been removed
– Darkening of a tooth
– Swelling and soreness in the gums
– A bump on the gums that is persistent or keeps coming back

Dr. Rosenthal and Dr. Herceg may recommend root canal therapy to repair your tooth. During this procedure, an opening is made in the tooth, through which the damaged or infected dental pulp is removed. The root canal will then be cleaned thoroughly. Once our endodontists have examined the area to ensure that all bacteria and debris has been removed, the root canal is filled with a rubbery material. A dental crown is usually placed over the tooth to restore its shape, size, and strength.

We encourage you to contact Advanced Endodontics & Microsurgery of Stamford, PC today for more information and to schedule your next appointment with our endodontists. Our team looks forward to helping you reach optimal oral health!